Today's Screen Painters
Yesterday's painters were all either direct or indirect disciples of William Oktavec.
Current artists learned from Oktavec's students or imitators.
Later generations have been self taught or benefited from Painted Screen Society workshops, school classes or the How to Paint a Baltimore Screen DVD.
As times change so do the materials they use
and the subjects they and their customers choose.
Contact a member screen painter and have a screen painted
Honorable Mention
Many contemporary painters have made important contributions to the art:
Amanda Smit-Peters, Highlandtown Main Street Manager, Baltimore, MD.
Anna Lipka, Westminster, MD. apprentice to Tom Lipka
Jennifer Crouse, apprentice to Dee Herget Monica Broere, Baltimore, MD. Apprentice to John Oktavec
Chrissy Maxwell, Baltimore, MD.Pat Michalski, Glen Burnie, MD. (Retired from teaching and painting)Rosalee Velenovsky, Hamilton, MD. and FloridaTroy Richardson, Baltimore, MD.
Michelle Johnson, Bowie, MD.
Bruce Barrett, Baltimore, MD.